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Two countries - one hiking adventure in the Allgäu and Kleinwalsertal

Hiking tours in the Allgäu and Kleinwalsertal are always connected with impressive experiences, scenic views and - depending on your tour planning - exerting oneself or having an enjoyable mountain walk.

Fast, easily and comfortably: that´s how the mountain cable car takes you up to the top. Once arrived, you can enjoy an amazing setting with views on cliffy mountain tops and wide valleys. Independent of one´s own level of fitness, every guest finds the right thing to do up there.

Apart from challenging via ferratas and hiking routes, there are also wonderful, easily accessible circular and themed hikes. Here in the Allgäu mountains, it does not matter if you are a passionate hiker, an experienced alpinist, enjoy unhurried walks or if you are on your way with a baby carriage or a paraglider: our hiking areas at Nebelhorn, Söllereck, Fellhorn/Kanzelwand, Heuberg, Walmendingerhorn and Ifen offer unforgettable mountain moments and a wide variety of tours, starting in Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal.

While hiking, you are literally a bit closer to heaven.

An overview on our hiking areas, easily accessible from Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal:

  • hiking at the Nebelhorn: the highest mountain cable car in the Allgäu takes you uphill, where you can enjoy a 400-peak-panoramic-view as well as culinary delights in the peak restaurant "Nebelhorn 2224"
  • hiking at the Söllereck: at the family mountain you can find a family friendly adventure trail with interesting information boards. After hiking, children enjoy the various playgrounds as well as the AllgäuCoaster - a year-round toboggan run on rails.
  • hiking at the Fellhorn and Kanzelwand: In the two-country-region between Germany and Austria you will not only find lush meadows, untouched streams and crystal clear mountain lakes, but also a fascinating variety of flowers. This is why the Fellhorn is also called ´flower mountain´ sometimes.
  • hiking at the Heuberg: In the heart of the Kleinwalsertal, various trails in intermediate altitudes are not only perfect for a walk, but also to explore by mountain bike.
  • hiking at the Walmendingerhorn: this mountain can be enjoyed with all senses and within the beautiful mountain nature you can easily unwind and enjoy the three-country-panoramic-view. Special highlight: the viewpoint platform and the ample sun terrace at the top station of the mountain cable car.
  • hiking at the Ifen: the landmark of the Kleinwalsertal with its impressive ´Gottesacker´-plateau is really fascinating to see. The panoramic trail with several benches to rest and unwind, offers idyllic moments to enjoy.

Magical mountain world

Our mountains will fascinate you every time anew, enthrall you with their breathtaking beauty and offer many adventures for hikers in the two-country-area Oberstdorf/Kleinwalsertal. For additional motivation, cultural, musical, culinary and spiritual events fascinate guests regularly. We promise: you will not get bored while staying here!

Hiking at the Nebelhorn in Oberstdorf with a 400-peak-view: everyone will find the right hiking trail here

Fellhorn & Kanzelwand in Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal - together they are known as the family friendly hiking area for active people

The perfect hiking area for the whole family with fantastic views on the Allgäu and Kleinwalsertal region

The heuberg chairlift takes you right from the village center of Hirschegg up into the ample hiking area overlooking the Kleinwalsertal.

The new ´Ifen I´ cable car takes you comfortably to the ´Ifenhütte´, where you can start your hiking trip.

Seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting: the Walmendingerhorn in the Kleinwalsertal lives up to its name ´mountain for all senses´

Experience amazing mountain hikes with the right partner by your side

Our mountains not only offer sanctuary for man, they are also home to countless animals and plants, so please treat our environment fairly and with the respect it deserves by keeping to the marked routes so as to protect our plants and animals.

  • Deutschland
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  • Nederlands
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