Discover the seven most beautiful photo points in the two-country hiking area

Who can compete whith the local eagle, which is called ´Adler´ in German? Who can fly faster down to the valley than the eagle? And who enjoys the summer sun while hiking in company of the heraldic animal? The eagle challenges outdoor sportsmen and -women in winter with action-loaded flights and shows them the best spots at the mountain in summer. It is looking for like-minded nature lovers! So everyone taking part in the `Adler 7´ can confidently claim that he made Oberstdorf/Kleinwalsertal his territory!
On each of it´s seven home mountains, the eagle is waiting for you with a special adventure. From the snowy peak down to the valley, at a racy slalom flight or up and down in the action loaded funslope - who dares to race with our heraldic animal?